Getting involved ‘for good’
At Salo Creative, we play an active role in the community and industry. It’s our strong belief that we can offer our services and expertise in a number of ways to help others.

We run a design community called Bring to the Front
As a result of working with so many great creatives across the industry, we quickly found some common pitfalls in the way we were working in separate agencies. Many designers work in complete isolation and it’s often tough for their colleagues to understand design challenges and support them correctly.
This is why we set up Bring to the Front. It’s a band of designers that can openly share challenges and issues with other creatives and feel like they’re in a wider team and collective.
Swanage Carnival
We completely volunteer and service events like Swanage Carnival that raise money for so many local organisations and communities that desperately need help.
Last year, Swanage Carnival raised £28,000 and we proudly helped provide marketing efforts, a full event website and programme design. All for free.
And we love being a part of an incredible event that’s put on by so many lovely and wonderful volunteers.